

No matter HOW you join this community effort, 100% of the donations received are re-distributed to Palm Beach County non-profit organizations.

1. Join us as a team, corporate or grant sponsor. For more information on how to become part of this movement and community effort, please click here or contact Anne Caroline Valtin at 727-678-8677.

Ready to join us? Please click here to get started!

2. Make a charitable contribution:

By check: All incoming contributions must be accompanied by a signed contribution form. Please click here to access the form and additional donation instructions.

By Text or online: For transparency purposes, the GCC operates out of a gift fund. Thanks to a long-term partnership with United Way of Palm Beach County, the event can accept online donations yearly, between the months of December and March.


OUR GOAL FOR 2026: distribute an additional $2 million in one evening.

Through generous donations from sponsors and donors, and the dedication of participants, the Great Charity Challenge sponsored by Fidelity Investments® (GCC) has made a significant impact on the lives of countless individuals and families in need throughout Palm Beach County, acting as a catalyst for charitable giving over the last 16 years, distributing $24 million to 370 Palm Beach County non-profit organizations.

One hundred percent of the money raised gets distributed to local non-profits every year, with first place receiving a minimum of $100,000 and all participating charities being guaranteed a minimum amount of $15,000.

In addition to fund disbursements, the event's strategy encompasses capacity building, fostering invaluable partnerships, and concentrating on amplifying the event’s impact. By investing in building the skills, knowledge, and capabilities of individuals and organizations, we lay the foundation for sustainable long-term change.

We would like to extend a special invitation to you to join other generous donors and sponsors in supporting the 17th Annual Event. Together, we are committed to not only making a difference today but also creating lastingpositive change for generations to come; we can make a meaningful difference and create positive change. Wehope you'll consider joining us in this important journey. We are here to ensure you realize your envisioned impact.

Stay tuned as we announce the 2026 date!

Thanks to Wellington International

Thanks to the generous support of Wellington International for covering ALL costs associated with the event, 100% of the donations received are re-distributed to Palm Beach County non-profit organizations.

For additional information and ways to get involved, please contact Anne Caroline Valtin, Executive Director, at 727-678-8677 or acv@greatcharitychallenge.com