
Fund Use Update

2024 Great Charity Challenge sponsored by Fidelity Investments®

CHANGE IN THE MAKING – Over $2.2 Million Serving the Palm Beach County Community

Wellington, FL – July 28, 2024 – Earlier this year, beneath the shimmering lights of Wellington International, the world of equestrian sport united with the heartbeat of altruism during the 15th annual Great Charity Challenge sponsored by Fidelity Investments® (GCC).  Thanks to the generous support of over 100 sponsors, donors and partners, this year’s event distributed a momentous $2.2 million to over 60 nonprofits and 12 schools in Palm Beach County, impacting 104,564 lives since the conclusion of the 2024 event.

The full fund use update can be viewed by clicking here. Here are but a few examples of the event’s impact through the following stories:

Sweet Dream Makers serves approximately 6,000 lives every year; having received $55,000 through this year’s GCC, the funding directly enabled the organization to purchase 220 bed sets for local babies, children, teens, and caregivers to fit their individual needs. Their direction solution of “A Bed of My Own” brings joy, dignity, safety,  cleanliness and comfort.

The West Palm Beach Library Foundation received $45,000 directly allocated towards it mobile unit, “Mandel Mobile”, serving students and families at Fogelman and Sullivan parks. Their wi-fi enabled minivan provideslimited homework help, healthy snacks for children, job assistance for adults, plus personal hygiene kits and diaper supplies to families. GCC funding directly supported having a certified teacher accompany the Mandel Mobile to city parks to offer expert, focused educational assistance to students that mirrors what they are learning in school. This assistance is backed by classroom and curricular knowledge that can support students' learning gains.

Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League earned $19,500 which was allocated to their Safety Net Program. Since the beginning of the yar, they have supported 96 animals through temporary housing, medical care and spay/neuter. In additional, over 22,000 pounds of cat and dog food were provided. Their objective is simple: help find ways to keep people and their pets together! 


Due to the overwhelming support of this year’s event, an additional quarter-million dollars in grants was distributed a few weeks ago, following a comprehensive needs analysis. From funding key support programs to enabling organizations to further empower the individuals they serve towards sustainability, we also invite you to view how they will be putting this funding to work in the coming months by clicking here.

We are beyond grateful for the amazing support received through this year’s event and didn’t take the responsibility of creating the greatest impact possible lightly. Our dedication to maximizing the impact of each donation reflects a deep sense of responsibility and commitment to the individuals these local non-profits serve” commented Executive Director Anne Caroline Valtin.


For ease of review, fund use reports are further divided into 3 different reports:

- The combined report, with organizations who were randomly paired with riders and who competed in the event in addition to grants: https://online.fliphtml5.com/xotys/gkzp/

- The organizations who received grants from the Doyle Family Foundation: https://online.fliphtml5.com/xotys/hqxa/

- The organizations who received grants from the Postage Stamp Farm Pet Parade: https://online.fliphtml5.com/xotys/upyy/


To stay up to date, we invite you to follow us on Facebook:  @greatcharitychallenge and Instagram: @great_charity_challenge